The thoughtful remembrance,
Back to the past,
The shock or sorrow,
No dreams ever brought,
This fallacy at life,
In this state of arcane,
How tears may change any state?
When you are locked tightly,
At the centre of logs,
I felt the equal discomfort,
To say no to the proceeds.
Calling the past trends,
Bidding adieu to the corpse,
Fire not to the memories or
The moment of love!
When surrendered to the flames,
I was in a query,
How to pass the pain road,
To console the near ones,
To whom you laughed,
From the heart keenly,
With the hurting pain,
At your extended hours!
You are at the peace cradle,
That's for sure,
From the pains of therapy,
Shuttling house and hospital,
Isolations at the dark.
Void or greater wisdom,
Whatever you left,
I miss you every instant
Though unwilling, but
Signature to the painful truth